Mittwoch, 17. Juli 2013

There can be no forgetting, Mrs. Merkel.

One can only wonder if one takes a closer look with the resume of the woman Chancellor Angela Merkel.That she was born in Hamburg in 1954 and together with her father, pastor of the Evangelical Church in the then GDR immigrated to know most.Also that she was married for a short time with the DDR physicist Ulrich Merkel before with her lover, Prof. Joachim Sauer - he also divorced and has two children - did together, is known to many.Certainly not least through the left-socialist character at home she became a member of the FDJ. They often agitated in their environment in the communist sense and increases to the Secretary of the Agitation and Propaganda Department on.R very much in line de € communist GDR dictatorship they also travels frequently like in the Soviet Union, especially after Moscow. The language of their people their brother is just as common as the Communist Manifesto.When in November 1989 the wall, trying to determine the American CIA of former SED structures, the new government members themselves. He probed, who is well prepared to serve the United States. A month later, Angela Merkel also changes the page and closes overnight, the launched of the CDU movement called "Democratic Awakening" at.
Again, in appearance it passes through propaganda agitation. She changes it were only the propaganda terms. She works closely with the Chairman of the newly created organization, Wolfgang Schnur, together, a former Stasi employees. After his retirement they will be chairman of this movement. After the last parliamentary elections in the GDR it enters the government of Lothar de Maiziere and uses its propaganda department. It participates also in addition to the 2 +4 talks to avoid-as she says-"a massive exodus from East to West."your life partner, Prof. Joachim Sauer, meanwhile, employed by the U.S. company "Biosym Technology." His new job is in San Diego / California, in the laboratory of the company, which also works for defense projects by the Pentagon.When the GDR was incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany, which has now become member of the CDU Angela Merkel is a member of the German Bundestag and occurs in Helmut Kohl's government-in. This is surprising, since Mr. Kohl is rumored some austerity, and Mrs. Merkel divorced, no children and live in concubinage, Youth and Women's Affairs is. In less than 14 months in charge has changed for communist propaganda in the GDR youth, the Christian Democratic minister in the FRG.Trying Merkel, to be elected as Regional President of the party in Brandenburg, fails because there is largely known her past.After her boss de Maiziere is confronted with allegations Stasi, this comes back, and Merkel takes over his post. 1998 carbon can announce that he will not agree to a U.S. intervention in Kosovo. Mrs Merkel is at a distance of cabbage, knowing very well that it can not withstand the pressure of the U.S. Ostküstenestablishments, and even takes a short time later, the party chairman of the CDU.A little later she married her life partner to satisfy the outside of the Christian Democratic morality. From now on, the lady is openly supported by some major press groups.Vorneweg the Springer press, the journalists only able to obtain employment contracts when they sign a contract clause that stipulates that they personally einse € protect the development of the United States and for the defense of Israel.Also, Liz Mohn, director of the Bertelsmann group, supported Merkel advised not to let the cornerstone of the Euro-American connections to falter. In her haze field also appears that Jeffrey Gedmin, which was specially sent by the Bush clan for them to Berlin. This fine gentleman previously worked under the direction of the Jewish adviser to the Bush administration, Richard Perle, and the wife of Dick Cheney in "American Enterprise Institute"} {AEI. Previously, Mr. Gedmin was head of the "New Atlantic initiative" (NAl), are all important, America-friendly generals and politicians at home. From his pen came the demand that Europe must remain under the control of NATO and any demand for emancipation of Europeans oppose. The opportunity to become deputy U.S. ambassador, he refuses by saying he would devote himself to the care of Angela Merkel.Since 2003 he has been a steward of a program for U.S. propaganda, which dealt among other things, the secret "subsidies" of journalists and opinion formers in Western Europe.
As we know, also Gerhard Schröder of the Anglo-American Aggression in Iraq resisted. No wonder, then that Mrs Merkel in the "Washington Post" the Chirac-Schröder € doctrine rejects European independence, their affiliation, and stressed to Israel supported the war.In the 2005 election campaign, then came their hour. Castigates unemployment as well as tax increases proposed by the Schröder government to do this after the election in alliance with the SPD against the German people themselves. LHR American advisers launched even before the election a letter to his protagonist, who was "The World" printed in derTageszeitung, where he writes among other things, "Mrs. Merkel, they must overcome the nostalgic intellectually!" With nostalgic for all those forces were meant here, who tried reasonably to organize against a brutal politics of globalization, as well as against the American war policy.During her tenure she cuts targeted the good connections to Russia, exercises shoulder to shoulder with their American friends and brings even managed to phase out the German Navy during the Israeli assault on Lebanon, to support the "security for Israel," the Mediterranean.
They openly expressed their perception of themselves as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany: "Germany when the raison d'être is to guarantee the existence of Israel, we can now that its existence is in danger, not be complacent."
The Presidency of the EU (from 1.1.2007 to 30.6.2007) she announces loudly to the referenda in the Netherlands and France, against a EuropeanNot to accept the Constitution and the Constitution against a corresponding"Reform Treaty" simply replaced. Furthermore, you have probably put their American friends in the mouth, the project of the merger of the American free trade zone with atackle European Free Trade Association to accomplish the creation of a large trans-Atlantic market, based on the ideas of Sir Leon Brittan accordingly.
It is absolutely necessary not only to observe carefully against this background bustle of the Mrs Merkel, but politically to fight for at least the last remnant of Democracy In Europe remains.
It is very cumbersome to gather information. That is why many people do not take the time. I have taken this to my readers and some gathered. The descriptions are based on facts and are, with some eagerness to research. For this, the Internet is a beneficial institution.Mrs Merkel has falsified her biography in large parts. Something belongs on the trash heap of history, and not as the Federal Chancellor.Traffic Sources Wikipedia and Others

Pauvre Allemagne! Une démocratie est condamné à mort

L'Allemagne n'a jamais eu une chance réelle d'une démocratie digne de ce nom à établir. Après la guerre, une démocratie pseudo nous a été imposé, en particulier des États-Unis. Les autres alliés ont également eu leur part de celui-ci, mais pas aussi concise. Anciens nazis ont parfaitement réoccupé leurs anciennes positions et ont pu continuer à propager leurs idées malades sans relâche. Enfin, le temps avait fait son travail et anciens nazis étaient éteintes. Néanmoins, aucun développement ne pouvait avoir lieu pour le mieux, car une dévotion insupportable américain s'est développé. Nous prions formellement le fossoyeur de l'humanité. Mais ce n'est pas assez. Le tournant! Comme après la guerre, les nazis, staliniens et les pseudo-communistes occupent aujourd'hui des postes importants. Le KPD et la FDJ ont été interdits en Allemagne. On peut argumenter sur la légalité de cette mesure. Après la réunification, à ce jour, ce sont de nouvelles interdictions. Maintenant, je me demande comment un FDJ très avide peut contenir, bureaux activiste politique. Les généraux, les politiciens qui avait prêté serment à la constitution de leur pays, ont été condamnés plats à la Procès de Nuremberg. Comment alors peut devenir une non-personne Merkel, chancelière d'un Etat démocratique? Cette personne avait été dans les hautes privilèges RDA (études, Promovation, Académie des Sciences). Tout le monde sait qu'il fallait être très fidèle au système résultant RDA pour réaliser quelque chose. Le statut intellectuel de Merkel n'est guère le moyen d'expliquer cette carrière. Comprendre par RFA, la RDA était un Etat injuste anti-démocratique. A unwesendliches pas partie de ce système est maintenant chancelier. N'est-il pas suffisant que les gens de Allemagne de l'Est a été ruinée et exploitées? Devons-nous craindre maintenant le même pour toute l'Allemagne? Oui! Pendant des années, le contribuable allemand est escroqué des fruits de son travail. Pendant des années, nous avons un, voire criminels, la dégradation sociale. Pendant des années, les salaires réels ont baissé. Pendant des années, des sociétés telles que Vattenfall écrire ec. des bénéfices records. Le citoyen peut à peine payer sa facture d'électricité. Pour payer le loyer, de nombreux travailleurs doivent accepter des emplois. Vieux, faible et malade payer le prix le plus élevé, bien que l'Etat aurait à assumer ces personnes se sentent spéciaux. En bref: «Nous avons des normes américaines." Où est notre identité nationale, Mme Merkel? Où est la démocratie si la volonté démocratique du peuple est ignorée, Mme Merkel? Où est notre gouvernement lorsque nous devons tenir pour tout et la tête de tout le monde, le vainqueur des activités criminelles impuni même continuent à voler les gens, mentir et tricher, Mme Merkel? Qu'est-il arrivé à votre serment d'office, Mme Merkel? Un parjure! C'est la démocratie en Allemagne. Condamné à mort? Non, elle est déjà morte.

Poor Germany! A democracy is sentenced to death

Germany never had a real chance of a democracy worthy of the name to establish. After the war, a pseudo-democracy was imposed on us, especially from the U.S.. The other Allies also had their share of it, but not as concise. Former Nazis have seamlessly reoccupied their old positions and were able to continue to spread their sick ideas unabated. Finally the time had done its job and former Nazis were extinct. Nevertheless, no development could take place for the better, because an unbearable devotion U.S. has developed. We pray formally to the gravedigger of mankind. But not enough. The turning point! Just like after the war, the Nazis, Stalinists and pseudo-communists now occupied important positions. The KPD and the FDJ were banned in Germany. One can argue about the legality of this measure. After the reunification, to this day, these are further prohibitions. Now I wonder how a very avid FDJ can hold activist, political offices. Generals, politicians who had taken an oath to the constitution of their country, were sentenced á la Nuremberg Trials. How then can become a non-person as Merkel, chancellor of a democratic state? This person had been in the GDR high privileges (studies, Promovation, Academy of Sciences). Everyone knows that one had to be very loyal to the GDR resulting system to achieve something. The intellectual status of Merkel is hardly the way to explain this career. Understanding by FRG, the GDR was an anti-democratic unjust state. A unwesendliches not part of this system is now Chancellor. Is not it enough that the people of East Germany was ruined and exploited? Do we now fear the same for all of Germany? Yes! For years, the German taxpayer is defrauded of the fruits of his labor. For years, we have one, even criminal, social degradation. For years, real wages have declined. For years, companies such as Vattenfall write ec. Record profits. The citizen can barely pay his electric bill. To pay the rent, many workers have to accept more jobs. Old, weak and sick pay the highest price, although the state would have to assume these people feel special. In short: "We have American standards." Where is our national identity, Mrs Merkel? Where is our democracy if democratic will of the people is ignored, Mrs Merkel? Where is our government when we need to hold out for everything and everyone's head, the winner of criminal activities go unpunished even still continue to rob the people, lie and cheat, Mrs. Merkel? What happened to your oath of office, Mrs Merkel? A perjury! This is democracy in Germany. Sentenced to death? No, she's already dead.

Dienstag, 16. Juli 2013

بوشيدو، لستم ومتابعتها وحدها.

أنا لست مروحة لأن راب المبذولة لفيديو Boshidos الكثير من الضوضاء، وتخوض في كل مكان، نظرت لي للنظر في. ما كنت أبحث والآن صاحب هذا "الفيديو فضيحة". وأعتقد أنه حان مغني الراب طويلة، لذلك شيئا سيئا. عنوان الجدد منذ ذلك الحين أبعاد أخرى ويبحثون في عدد لا يحصى في الفيسبوك وأنت الأنبوبة. هناك مرة أخرى واضحة ... يتعرضون للاضطهاد المسلمين، والمطلوب النازيين الجدد. هذا هو ألمانيا! الاتجاه على كراهية الإسلام يتزايد يوميا، وأصبحت بالفعل تهديدا حقيقيا. فقط لأن أنا مسلم وموقف المناهض للولايات المتحدة تمثل العامة، وأيضا أنا تطويرها ومراقبتها من قبل "أمن الدولة" تنصتت المفوضية الأوروبية. هذه هي الديمقراطية نقية!

Bushido, vous n'êtes pas seul poursuivi.

Je ne suis pas un fan parce Rapp fait pour Boshidos vidéo tellement de bruit, et il est bloqué partout, j'ai regardé pour me regarder. Qu'est-ce que je cherchais et maintenant propriétaire de cette «vidéo scandale". Je pense qu'il est rappeur longtemps, donc rien de mauvais. Titre Neo ont depuis d'autres dimensions et sont à la recherche à une myriade sur Facebook et You Tube. Il est encore une fois évident ... Les musulmans sont persécutés, les néo-nazis sont souhaitées. C'est Allemagne! La tendance à la haine de l'islam se développe tous les jours et est déjà devenu une menace réelle. Juste parce que je suis une attitude musulmane et anti-américains représentent public, je vais aussi être développé et suivi par la "sécurité de l'Etat", buggé CE. C'est la démocratie pure!

Bushido, you're not alone pursued.

I'm not a fan is because Rapp made ​​to Boshidos video so much noise, and it is locked everywhere, I looked to me to look at. What I was looking and now owner of this "scandal video". I think it's rapper long, so nothing bad. Neo title have since other dimensions and are looking at a myriad on Facebook and You Tube. There is once again a clear ... Muslims are persecuted, neo-Nazis are desired. This is Germany! The trend to hate Islam is growing daily and has already become a real threat. Just because I'm a Muslim and anti-American attitude represent public, I will also be developed and monitored by the "State Security", bugged ec. This is pure democracy!

Bushido, Du bist nicht allein verfolgt.

Ich bin kein Rapp Fan. Da um Bushidos Video so viel Lärm gemacht wird, und es überall gesperrt ist, habe ich gesucht, um es mir anzuschauen. Bin fündig geworden und jetzt Besitzer dieses "Skandalvideos". Ich finde, es ist Rapperslang, also nichts Schlimmes. Neonazititel haben da andere Dimensionen und sind zu einer Unzahl bei Facebook und You Tube anzuschauen. Da wird einem wieder einmal klar... Moslems sind verfolgt, Neonazis sind erwünscht. Das ist Deutschland! Der Trend zum Islamhass wächst täglich und ist schon zu einer echten Bedrohung geworden. Nur weil ich Moslem bin und eine Antiamerikanische Einstellung öffentlich vertrete, werde ich ebenfalls verfolgt, und vom "Staatsschutz" überwacht, abgehört ec. Das ist Demokratie pur!!!