Germany never had a real chance of a democracy worthy of the name to establish. After the war, a pseudo-democracy was imposed on us, especially from the U.S.. The other Allies also had their share of it, but not as concise. Former Nazis have seamlessly reoccupied their old positions and were able to continue to spread their sick ideas unabated. Finally the time had done its job and former Nazis were extinct. Nevertheless, no development could take place for the better, because an unbearable devotion U.S. has developed. We pray formally to the gravedigger of mankind. But not enough. The turning point! Just like after the war, the Nazis, Stalinists and pseudo-communists now occupied important positions. The KPD and the FDJ were banned in Germany. One can argue about the legality of this measure. After the reunification, to this day, these are further prohibitions. Now I wonder how a very avid FDJ can hold activist, political offices. Generals, politicians who had taken an oath to the constitution of their country, were sentenced á la Nuremberg Trials. How then can become a non-person as Merkel, chancellor of a democratic state? This person had been in the GDR high privileges (studies, Promovation, Academy of Sciences). Everyone knows that one had to be very loyal to the GDR resulting system to achieve something. The intellectual status of Merkel is hardly the way to explain this career. Understanding by FRG, the GDR was an anti-democratic unjust state. A unwesendliches not part of this system is now Chancellor. Is not it enough that the people of East Germany was ruined and exploited? Do we now fear the same for all of Germany? Yes! For years, the German taxpayer is defrauded of the fruits of his labor. For years, we have one, even criminal, social degradation. For years, real wages have declined. For years, companies such as Vattenfall write ec. Record profits. The citizen can barely pay his electric bill. To pay the rent, many workers have to accept more jobs. Old, weak and sick pay the highest price, although the state would have to assume these people feel special. In short: "We have American standards." Where is our national identity, Mrs Merkel? Where is our democracy if democratic will of the people is ignored, Mrs Merkel? Where
is our government when we need to hold out for everything and
everyone's head, the winner of criminal activities go unpunished even
still continue to rob the people, lie and cheat, Mrs. Merkel? What happened to your oath of office, Mrs Merkel? A perjury! This is democracy in Germany. Sentenced to death? No, she's already dead.
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